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This extension type will show an line by default. The orientation is set automattically (but can be set manually) to which ever side is longer.

Line configuration

There are multiple options to change the appearance of the line.

You can configure:

  • line width in px

  • line type default is a normal line, dashed line require specification of the dash widths (specification here).

  • line cap
    short caps end in the extension frame, wide caps end beyond the extension frame and rounded caps end beyond the extension frame but have rounded ends

  • line margin

    • All the line will leave the specified amount place to the border of the extension frame.
    • Single the line will leave the specified amount place to the border of the extension frame. You can specify the margin for each side.
  • line alignment

    • start the line will be at the start of the extension frame (depending on the orientation).
    • center the line will be centered in the extension frame.
    • end the line will be at the end of the extension frame (depending on the orientation).
  • line border radius - set the border radius of the line caps.


For the line Color you have three options:

  1. Color
    You can set a color (rgb, rgba, hex) for the line.
  2. Gradient
    You can set a gradient from one color to another color (rgb, rgba, hex) for the line. The degree of this gradient can also be changed
  3. Custom
    Set the color of the line using a css term. This can be for example a linear gradient or a repeating linear gradient: ='repeating-linear-gradient(45deg, #ebc334, #ebc334 10px, #211f16 10px, #211f16 20px )'
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