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Multi Use ButtonButton Actions

Button actions

The Actions are configured in an array. They will be executed from top to bottom. The action execution can be influenced by setting Advanced Options.


All expression calculations for each action will occur when the execution is triggered. This means that a conditional action will be executed based on the expression value before the first action is executed.

General action settings

Wait for Execution

For every action you can choose if the next action should be executed immidiatly or after the action before is finished.

Stop on Error

If an Error occurs the execution of all actions will halt. When disabled the next action will be executed. This option is only available, if Wait for Execution is enabled.

Conditional Action

The Execution of the action can be based on a Qlik Expression. If this evaluates to a value of true or -1 the action is executed if not the action is skipped.

Sleep before Execution

For every action a time value can be set to sleep before executing this action.

Show Notification on Error v1.13.0+

Show a danger notification when an error occurs in the action.

This Actions opens a specified Link. New Tab will open the link in a new Tab.

Some Uri’s like mailto: require an application to be run Run Application provides this option.

Field Selection

This Actions makes selections on the specified field. This field can be selected from a dropdown with all Fields.

There are multiple Selection Modes:

  • All Select all items of a field.
  • Alternative After using this all items that where previosly not selected will be selected.
  • Excluded Select the excluded values from the field.
  • Values Select all Items matching the specified values. These values are seperated by |;|.
  • Possible Select all items which are not locked.
  • Match Select an exact match to the specified value.
  • Clear This will clear the selections made on the field (if any where made before).
  • ClearOther This will clear all other Selections except this field.

Clear all selections

This Action clears all selections made in the current Qlik Sense session.

Go to sheet

This Actions will open the specified Sheet. The Sheet can be selected in a dropdown in the Action settings.

Export data

This will export any data object from the current App. The object can be selected in a dropdown in the Action settings.

Export sheet

This will export the specified sheet from the current App. The sheet can be selected in a dropdown in the Action settings. You will be able to select the format of the export by specifing landscape or portrait, the document size(a4, a3, …) and some options to fit objects on the page.

API call

API Call Setting

There are two options to set the server to make an API call to:

  • Using the same Server as the Qlik Sense Server
    you specify port only Port and Route (e.g. 1234/api/example)
  • Specifying a different Server.
    The URL includes the Protocol, Hostname, Port and Route. (e.g.

The Method (GET, POST, DELETE, PATCH, PUT) can be selected in a dropdown in the Action settings.

You can specify a header and body for the API call in JSON format.

Save to a variable

You can save the response of the API Call to a variable. You can specify which data to use by using the Response Value Path.

When getting the response:

{ "software": [ { "name": "Qlik" } ] }

For reading Qlik you would use as the Response Value Path.

Leitart QMC service

This Action requires a running QMC service. You can select a Task to start in a dropdown field.

Leitart Data+ Server v1.16.0+

Start a reload via the Data+ Server. For the SAAS variant also partial reloads can be started. This action requires an API key to be generated on the Data+ Server and entered in the extension.

Server connection

By default the extension connects to the QMC service with the same url as Qlik Sense on port 7545. With a standard server installation, there are no further settings required for the connection. The access token must match with the servers one. In most cases it can be left at the default setting.

Set variable

You can specify a variable to be set by using a Dropdown. Only user defined variables are available - Qlik Sense default variables are not selectable.

Notification v1.13.0+

Show a notification in the top right corner:

  • Text - The text to show.
  • Color
    • info - blue color
    • warning - yellow color
    • error - red color
    • success - green color
  • Hideable - if a X button should be shown to hide the message.
  • Auto clear - if the message should be hidden after x seconds. 0 doesn’t clear the message.

Await v1.14.0+

Wait for a Qlik expression value change. Using =ReloadTime() would wait for an successful app reload. Use execution start value will determine if the value on button trigger is used, meaning that if the value has changed during the button runtime already, the step will execute directly, without waiting. Otherwise the button will wait for the value to change once the step is active.

On demand report v1.17.0+

Start an Nprinting report task and download the document in one click without a ntlm login. The NprintingService is used for the connection. The ServiceURl and Accesstoken need to be set corresponding to the running Nprinting service. Then Connection, Report and Format can be chosen from a dropdown.

Clipboard v1.18.0+

Copy the value of an expression to the clipboard.

Run automation v1.21.0+

Start the execution of a Qlik SaaS automation.

Data+ message v1.20.0+

Send a Data+ message with the set Function name, triggering Data+ extensions listening to this function.

Create text v1.20.0+

Download file v1.20.0+

Create a file and download or show it in the browser.

Debug v1.20.0+

Logs the action data to the browser console

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