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Gauge Types


The Radial Gauge comes with some further custiomization options you can specify the used angle of the circle:

  • 1/2
  • 3/4
  • Circle
  • Custom Sliders will apear allowing setting the start and end angle of the Gauge. These are calculated from the top center of the chart.


The Bar Gauge can be confiured to be either horizontal or vetrical.


Segments are in general specified beginning from 0%(or if Reverse Segments is used from 100%) to the value given in the segment definition. You can also choose a color by a colorpicker or formula.

Reference Lines

You can specify a value. At this value a line will appear in the color specified. By using the Additional margin to bar you can move the refernce lines closer or further away from the center.


You can choose how many ticks should appear around your gauge. These display the value at this point and are evenly distributed across you gauge chart.


You can choose between a needle like pointer or a Mask. This mask acts like a segment overlaying everything beyond the current value. The color can be set in the properties.

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