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The dimension and measure settings are quite similiar to the Qlik table chart.

Row identifier

The most important addition for dimensions is the row identifier setting. This will determine the unique id for the database table. Multiple dimensions can create the id, they will be joined with |;| automatically. Please note that the column order is relevant for the id combination. To avoid unwanted erros, it is adviced to create an additional dimension, where you create the id yourself.


The display type determines the fundamental visual of the column.
Url, icon and image can be used as clickable links. The Url label setting for dimensions and measures work with values from the Qlik data model. This does not apply for Data+ columns.
Text display allows to set a Line break mode and the Scroll bar behaviour within the cell.


The extension can use two icon libraries.

  • Fontawesome v5: An overview of useable icons can be found here.
    fas fa-iconname
  • Leonardo UI: An overview of useable icons can be found here.
    lui-icon lui-icon--iconname


The expandable options allows the user to view the whole content of the cell in a dialog. A button will appear upon hovering over the cell. This function is disable if the column is linked.

Progress bar

The progress bar works with dimension/measure values from 0 to 100. There are some design options like a star rating display or battery icon.
The battery fills in 4 steps based on 0-100 as well. The star rating allows a customizable icon display based on number values. By default it is set to show 5 stars that fill based on the column value. The count (up to 10) and icon can be adjusted if needed.


Hide column

As the name suggests, if the value of this field is true or -1, the column will not be displayed. Changes to this field apply directly and do not need a reload. The advantage of this feature is that the data of the column is still available in the extension. It can be used as a row identifier which the user would not need to see, or as helper for styling or calculation purposes.

Disable column

Data+ columns can be disabled, the value applies in the same way as hiding columns. Disabled columns are not editable. This can be used to check for the users name and disable the input for certain users. The default disabled style puts a light opacity on the field. This can be disabled or alternatively set to hidden, meaning the content of cell will not be displayed.


The width setting is the absolute value in pixel of the column. Dragging the column border will change this value. Additionally it is possible to set a width value for all columns with the Design helper which can be found under Appearance->Table Styling->Design helper. It offers two options, to space all columns equally based on available space, or to set a fixed value for all.

Row group

Dimensions can be set as row groups, this will create a virtual table row whenever the content of the dimension changes. These virtual rows will group all further rows together, until the dimension value changes and a new row group is created.
This feature has been designed to create a pivot like display of the data.
Most functionality is set with row group rules or existing display settings. Each row group will have a depth where the first one is 1.
Furthermore it is very important to properly setup the dimensions. The creation of the row groups is based solely on the content of each cell, meaning that the sorting of the data and the order of the relevant columns has to be adjusted accordingly to create the desired view.

Some settings to take into account:

  • The display of all relevant dimensions is usually done in one column, set the display column accordingly
  • Hide the column
  • Set a margin (diplay setting) to indent the different values
  • Rule order is relevant if calculations across multiple row groups are made

Only available with extended data handling enabled.

Linked column

Linking columns allows you to to combine two columns in one. Once enabled, select the input column that you want to link. An edit icon will now appear in the intial cell upon hovering. Clicking it will switch the cell to the selected input.
Usually the linked Data+ column will be hidden then, as it would have the same functionality.
The Different value marker setting will display a small triangle in the upper right corner if the values of the two column do not match. Null values are excluded from this calculation by default, but can be enabled as well with Process null values.
The Show changed value option causes the input value to be displayed even if the column is not in edit mode.
Enabling the edit mode (switching to the linked cell) can be done by clicking on the icon which appears when hovering over the cell.
It is also possible to set the edit mode to cell to allow a click on the cell itself, this disables selections for the cells though.
Furthermore it is possible to hide the edit button with a settings value of true or -1. This is useful if you want to control the input in a more specific way with rules.
When switching to edit mode, it is possible to automatically focus the input field (if possible) with the Auto focus option.
Leaving the edit mode can be automated as well with the Leave edit mode on blur setting, which will trigger when the user presses enter or clicks somewhere else.

Header settings are quite self explanatory. The global header height can be set under appearance->Header, where you are also able to hide the table header.
The content can be adjusted for each column individually.
For dimensions and measures you can disable the sort and search function of a column with Disable header function.


The color settings for dimensions and measures work with values from the Qlik data model (except for the header color setting). All color values accept strings in rgb([r], [g], [b]), rgba([r], [g], [b], [a]) or hex(#FFFFFF) format.

=‘rgba(255,0,0,0.5)’ will set the color to red with 50% opacity
=red() will set the color to Qlik red (it translates to rgb(128, 0, 0))

By default the text color will be calculated based on the background color.


Setting a row background doesn’t require for you to set the color to all columns,
the Rule editor offers that directly

Duplicate column

This will create an exact copy of the column.

Data+ columns

Most column settings apply for data+ columns as well. One important difference for Data+ columns is that they can not use other table dimensions as value for settings like background color.
All column types save their data as text, meaning that boolean values are saved as ‘true’ or ‘false’.


Custom formatting applies for most columns for the total measure display only. Text (no input) applies it for all content. The function offers the common formatting options.

Bulk edit

As the name suggests, this feature allows you to edit all enabled rows of a column at once. In the default setting, this applies for visible rows only. See Extended data handling for more information.
Hovering over the column header will show the bulk edit function. The default settings will use an applicable bulk edit type for the selected column type, but this can be customized.
The dialog type shows a clickable icon in the header and will open a dialog with an input element equal or similiar to the column type.
The click type applies for the button column type only and will simulate a click on each button. The confirmation setting applies here as well.
The checkbox and switch types handle boolean values only. The header display itself will show the value of all columns. Meaning that if all rows of the column are checked, the header checkbox will be checked as well.
Please note: Bulk edit is only available with save on entry disabled.

Text field

Very basic text input field. Data validation could be done with the Rule Editor. The field waits a bit for further input before actually applying the changes.


The checkbox can be scaled in size and optionally require a confirmation to apply the value change.

Date field

The date field offers some type options. You can choose between the three browser defaults: Date, Time and Date & Time. Those might look or work differently on different browsers. The custom option allows you create the same display on all browsers and offers some more customizable functions. Additionally the custom date field will try to parse an inserted text to the set format.
The data is saved in UNIX time (milliseconds since 1970), you can convert it to a date in Qlik with the following script:

Date(Floor(Num#(Text(Num(ConvertToLocalTime(Timestamp((MakeDate(1970, 1, 1) + ([date]) / (1000 * 24 * 3600)))))))))

Note: Use Timestamp if time values are relevant.

Custom Date Field

You can select the date format by setting the Date Format setting. This will display the UNIX time of the column in the given format. It allows the following characters:

Format string
yyyyYear e.g. 2022
yyYear, short e.g. 22 or 2022
MMMonth e.g. 02
MMonth, short e.g. 2 or 02
ddDay e.g. 01
dDay, short e.g. 1 or 01
hhHours e.g. 12
hHours, short e.g. 12
mmMinutes e.g. 29
mMinutes, short e.g. 29
ssSeconds e.g. 38
sSeconds, short e.g. 38

The option Mark Weekends will highlight all weekends in a green Color. The Placeholder will be shown if no input has been made to this cell.

The advanced dropdown creates a searchable Qlik list, the expression field expects the same input as a column in a table. The calculation is triggered upon opening. There is no validation of the current value with the list, therefore it is possible to allow free input for the field or show values that are not in the given Qlik data.
It is not possible to reference dimensions of the table in the expressions, instead this can be solved with the $(column name) syntax known from the Rule editor.
You can add an additional field to display an image or icon alongside the selected value. As usual for Qlik, the additional expression has to create valid data in combination with the main expression. You can also select text as the additional field, which will not be displayed. This can be used to save an id for a selected displayed value. Additional data will be saved with a separator: value|;|additional
Furthermore it is possible to allow Multi selection, giving user the option to select multiple values. If a field has more than one value selected, it will simply display that it has x selected. Multiple values are split with the separator: value1|,|value2
The combination of multi select and additional data will result in this output: value1|;|additional1|,|value2|;|additional2
Note: The combination of Multi selection and Allow free input doesn’t have the best usability.

The simple dropdown uses the default browser dropdown display. The content is created from a string where |;| separates the values.
A common application would be to generate a field in Qlik and use the concat function to create the string. =concat(field,'|;|')


The simple dropdown mode can be changed to allow a much more customizable experience. It allows to replace the actual value with either text, icon/image or both. It saves the value only though.
Besides the additional data options, the custom simple dropdown will have more settings in the display section.
Note: Be aware that whenever data is load, the simple dropdown will have to look up the actual data for each row. Loading lots of rows or having a large dropdown data set might cause some performance issues on the client side.


Simple switch with basic or Qliks Leonardo UI design. It allows to set a confirmation request before applying the value change.

Text field dialog

Basically a text field display which opens a text area dialog window, allowing a more comfortable way to write multi line text. It offers an display option to switch to a clickable icon instead of a text field display. Mouseover will still display the actual content.
A Default entry button can be enabled within the dialog to append custom predefined text on button click. The button could be setup to add the current user with a timestamp as a new row.

=' ---------------------- '&OSUser()&' '&now(1)&' '


The button can be used in two modes. The simple click type can be used to trigger Rules.
The File input type allows to use the browser default file handling to be used in the extension. To use file data, Rules have to be created. In this mode, the button can work as a dropzone (drag files from file system over button). This will disable the Qlik default file dragover behaviour. The file filter options does not block other file types to be used, but rather works as preset filter for the default file selector dialog. e.g. .png
The file size limit will block further handling of the file. A Warning message will appear. Setting the limit to 0 (default) means that there will be no limit.

Button design

Buttons use the Qlik Leonardo UI design. Their color is fully customizable, the display text can also be an icon. The button style Hover will change the field to a clickable text, which can also be displayed as an icon. The button can require a confirmation before triggering.

Text (no input)

This type is simply a display of a Data+ field. Its update behaviour is the same as other field, but there is no input possible. It offers the same display types as the Qlik columns, but with Data+ data. For example, this can be used to create an input field for an image, and display the image directly without requiring a reload.


The default setting uses the browser default slider element. The type can be changed to Star rating which are basically clickable icons. This types offers similiar settings as the display only Star rating of the Progress bar, without half filled icons.

Toggle Button

Similiar to the Checkbox or Switch this boolean element is in button form. This allows far more design options for the true/false state.
See Button design

Color picker

The color picker is simple dialog for color selection. The field display can be fully filled block, or a small circle with the actual color value shown. The dialog is controlled globally for the extension, under Appearance->Table styling->Dialogs->Color picker the value format and preset colors can be changed.
With Rules the selected color could be directly applied for row or column backgrounds.

Comment history v2.15.0+

The comment history offers a more visual display for multiple comments on a specific row. It is saved as a JSON text, therefore updates on columns holding this data should be done with the options the Data+ table offers or the special API route. Otherwise it is likely to corrupt the data and new entries will replace all existing data.
Please note:
The data for this is still saved in a single cell of the database. Use cases where thousands of comments are made on a single row should be avoided (databases have limits on the size of a single cell).


More advanced operations can be done with the Rule Editor

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