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Data Plus TableAppearance


Table Styling

The row height determines the general height of table rows. If the extension object is too small to display at least one row, the row height will be adjusted automatically to always show one.
The font size will set the general font size of table rows. This value can be overriden by Rules for each cell individually.

Design Helper

The design helper offers two options:

  • automatically will space all columns automatically based on the available space
  • evenly lets you insert a fixed width that apply to all columns

Fixed Columns

This setting freezes the first x columns to the left side. A slightly larger border will delimit the froozen columns.

General Styling

  • Disable default Qlik Style hides the white box by Qlik around the Data+Table.

  • Disable Borders hides all Border lines.

  • Stretch last column Stretch the last visible column to fill the remaining space. If the table is overflowing horizontally, the actual width value will be used.

  • Background Color changes the Background color of the whole extension object.

  • Scrollbar Color changes the scrollbar color.

  • Highlight rows on hover Allows to set background and text color for the mouse hover row.

  • Always show cell buttons in touch mode will always show buttons that are otherwise only displayed when hovering (e.g. Expandable), only applies if qlik touch mode is enabled.

  • Enable unsaved value display Display an indicator for cells that have an unsaved value. The color can be adjusted once enabled.

  • Enable external update display This setting displays updates made concurrently in other Data+ Tables. The color can be adjusted once enabled.

Info Bar Styling

This settings influence the colors of the icons in the info bar (Save, CreateDbEntry, …).
The setting Hide info bar will hide the info bar completley, including all icons.
Please note: User will no longer be able to save data if no Rules are used or save on entry is not enabled.

Custom buttons v2.2.0+

Custom buttons allows you to add additional icon buttons to the info bar. Actions can be created with the rule editor.

Saved button disabled style

By default the save button will lose its transparency whenever unsaved data exists. When the button is disabled, it will not pulse, signaling that it cannot be clicked. This setting allows to change this behaviour. There are 4 possible styles:

  • Default default behaviour as described above
  • Greyed out the button stays greyed out, even if changes occured
  • Hidden the button will not be visible at all
  • Color the button will have a different color when disabled, greyed out behaviour as default

Qlik header Styling

You can change the background and text color of the default qlik title header.
Please note: If the Qlik default hover menu is enabled for the extension object, the header color might be reset by Qlik.


This settings category allows you to set the positioning of the additional dialogs shown by the Data+ Table.
Furthermore, the advanced dropdown size can be changed here.

Color picker

Color picker setting apply to all color picker columns.
The preset colors can be changed or removed here (requires page reload).

The header height determines the actual height of the header, setting this value higher than space is available in the extension object, no rows will be displayed.
The header text size set the global header size for all columns, which can be overriden individually in the column settings.
The header can be hidden here as well.

Total Measures

To enable the total measures bar set the position here. It behaves similiar to the Qlik total measures, showing the Total text in the first column if no aggregation applies there.
Column formatting applies here.
Rules can set or override the value.

Custom CSS

The Custom CSS field allows free input of CSS rules. These rules can affect the whole page. The default value is an example class that applies to the Data+ Table only:

.dataPlusTable_extensionContainer .customClass { }

This allows you to overwrite the default styling of the Data+ Table or to define CSS classes for Custom HTML columns

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