

  • Row height - changes the height of resource rows.
  • Font size - change the font size of the resource names and Block names.
  • Resource display width - change the width of the Resource name display.
  • Show shadow for blocks not in current display / Show small circles for blocks not in current display - Show an indicator that a block is not in the current display.
  • For the Infobar can be configured which icons are displayed.
  • Block shadow - if the block have a shadow to the right and bottom.

Block Icon

  • Comment Icon - display a comment icon if a comment was made for this block
  • Edit Icon - display an edit icon if this block was edited

Now Line

This line shows the current time and can be configured in size and color.

Selection Line

This line is shown when slecting in the time dimension and can be configured in size and color.

Color Settings

Many Objects in the extension can be changed in their coloring.