Services v1.11.0+

The Data+ Server can install other Leitart Services. You can choose to either upload a service or install a service packaged with the Data+ Server:

Services will be installed to the parent directory of your Data+ Installation (default path: C:/Leitart/<serviceName>).

Service specific actions

  • Start - Start the service.
  • Restart - Restart the service.
  • Stop - Stop the service.
  • Config - Edit the config of this service (requires restart afterwards).
  • Log - View the Log of this service. This opens a Dialog showing the Log entries.
  • Update - Upload a new version of the service to update.
  • Uninstall - Uninstall and delete this service.

Global actions

  • Restart all - Restart all running services.
  • Update cert - Updates all services with the config setting useDataPlusCertificate enabled with the certificate of the Data+ Server.
  • Run check - Runs the service status check (runs every 5min by default).