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Visualization Type


Show a Tab bar to select the current tab.

Select the tab to show by a dropdown.


Name & Icon

The Name (and Icon if the Tab Visualization type is chosen) to display for this tab.


The tab is hidden if this expression evaluates to -1 or true.

Display Type

All objects are cached on first apperance to prevent long reloads when changing Tabs.

  • One - Display Object 1.
  • Split Horizontal - Split the extension into Object 1 and Object 2.
  • Split Vertical - Split the extension into Object 1 and Object 2.
  • Sheet - integrate another sheet as an Iframe.

The ratio of layouts with more than one object can be conifgured by setting the Ratio setting.


The overlay is displayed if the Show Overlay expression evaluates to -1 or true. The overlay is displayed on top of the tab and hides (if exist) both Masterobjects.

Hide Tabs

The tab selection can be hidden by setting the Hide Tabs expression to -1 or true. The next not hidden Tab will be selected automatically and shown to the user.

Control Position

Change if the Tab selection is positioned at the top or bottom of the extension.


The objects can be Masterobjects and qlik chart objects placed somewhere in the app. In most cases such objects are placed on a hidden sheet and then embedded in the container.

If you select an object via the dropodown and edit the formula afterwards the expression editor may change the saved expression. Only the object id is needed for displaying the object.

Last updated on