Chain Operation

This Step contains different Actions for your current chain:

  • Chain
    • New Entry - Create a new Entry
    • CheckUniqueId - Check if the given UniqueId exists. Returns true or false.
    • SetUniqueId - Sets a uniqueId for this Entry. This may be used later for other actions with this entry.
    • JumpBack - Jumps to a previous step indentified by its index.
    • JumpToChainWithUniqueId - Opens the Entry with the given UniqueId.
  • Collection
    • New Collection - Create a new collection with the given name and this entry inside.
    • CheckInCollection - Check if this Entry is in a collection. Returns true or false.
    • GetCollectionName - Returns the name of the collection this Entry is in.
  • Buttons
    • CheckButtonGroup - Get the value of a button Grou with a given ID.
    • ResetButtonGroup - Reset the value of a button Group with a given ID.
  • EntryVariables
    • SetVariable - Set a Variable for this Entry.
    • GetVariable - Get a Entry Variable.
  • Lock
    • LockEntry - Lock this Entry for other users. They can't interact with it until unlocked.
    • UnlockEntry - Unlock this Entry.