Service Installation without Data+Server

To install any Leitart Service you will need the corresponding zip and follow these steps:

1. Install Node.js

If not already installed you will need to install Node.js. You can find the newest installer hereopen in new window.

Supported Versions: 20 - 22

2. Unzip Service

Unzip the service to a location with write permissions. C:\Leitart in most cases.

3. Config

You will need to change some settings in the config file server.cfg:

3.1 Https Certificate

The .pfx and the password for the certificate securing the domain is needed for most of the services. Change the certificatePath to the Location of your certificate and the certificatePW to the corresponding password.

3.2 Qlik certificates

For some Services the Qlik certificates are needed. If you install the service on the same server as your Qlikserver no actions are needed. For an explanation on these view Server certificate.

3.3 Other

The other settings depend on the service you use and may also need to be changed.

4. Install

Run the install.bat. A service should be installed with the configured serviceName in the service.cfg file.