Backup Tasks

For creating a new Backup task you will need:

DB TypePostgres
HostHost and port of the database server
Database Name:Database to backup (e.g. LeitartDataPlus)
User NameAdmin user of your postgres DB
User Passwordcorresponding password

After entering these Fields the database connection will be checked. If the connection is successful the backup task will be created.

When you created a task you can change:

  • Name - The name displayed and directory used for this BackupTask
  • Backup Cycle - The time interval in which the backup will be created.
  • TTL - How long should a backup persist.
  • BackupTime - On which time the backup should be created.

In the topbar you can see:

  • The status: Active, Running or Failed
  • The next Backup Date
  • An Eye icon to view the DB connection
  • A Play icon to run the task now
  • A Delete Button to remove this Task


Backup Tasks are only saved and started after saving!